Edd and Kathy's Favorite Videos
The Spirit Moved in NamayumbaWorship at Victory City - Blessed Be the NameIf It Entertains, It's a ToyWorship at BukasaBukasa Adult ChoirBukasa Youth ChoirNamayumba Children's ChoirLadies Day at Dove ChurchDaniel (Mr. TivaWater) Leading Worship at His HomeKid's Around the World Love BubblesDove Church Children's Choir
Kids Worshiping at Victory CityWorship at Victory City - Lift You UpWorship at Bukasa with GeoffreyBukasa Adult Choir with MamaBukasa Children's ChoirWorship at NamayumbaNo Still Feet at DoveKathy Always Attracts a CrowdTrey's Mission Offering is DeliveredDove Church Youth Choir