Today, Richard (Mr. Chicken City) and Bill Park (Ag professor at the University of Tennessee) and I worked together on the curriculum I am working on this summer for the poultry school. We made some very good progress, in that we pretty much nailed down a book we want to use as the textbook for the course.
The three of us, plus Kathy, joined a professor from the university here for a delicious meal and a lot of shop talk tonight.
We got back to our apartment at 9:00 pm just in time to write this note to you and go to bed. I'm exhausted. It has been a grueling week. One of the Ugandans described our week as "emotionally expensive." I thought that was a very good choice of words. The Jackson, Tennessee team heads back home tomorrow. It has been well worth the emotional expense to travel around with this very spiritually mature group...and they e fun too!!
I'm looking forward to staying at home tomorrow and having time to get some
great photos up for your enjoyment and, of course, work on the curriculum.
Tonight, before we went to dinner, we finally got our internet back. We had a few minutes so we drove down the street to the mall and purchased 3GB of internet capacity at the kiosk. I It will be interesting to see how long it lasts, especially the way Kathy has latched onto my new iPad. We also purchased 50,000 shillings worth of electricity. I'm go to write down the meter numbers to see how long it will last us.
Thank you for your prayers today. Someone was praying for my driving 1:00 am last night (8:00 am here). I soloed (without my navigator) for the first time this morning driving over to the guest house where the Jackson team is staying. The traffic was horrible and I made a wrong turn. However, because of your prayers, I was able to stay calm, figure out what I had done wrong and got turned with very little difficulty. Oh, and by the way, I forgot my phone. You are a real blessing to us every time you pray for us. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Blessings on you all,
P.S. I'll try to do a better job with the last two entries tomorrow.
The three of us, plus Kathy, joined a professor from the university here for a delicious meal and a lot of shop talk tonight.
We got back to our apartment at 9:00 pm just in time to write this note to you and go to bed. I'm exhausted. It has been a grueling week. One of the Ugandans described our week as "emotionally expensive." I thought that was a very good choice of words. The Jackson, Tennessee team heads back home tomorrow. It has been well worth the emotional expense to travel around with this very spiritually mature group...and they e fun too!!
I'm looking forward to staying at home tomorrow and having time to get some
great photos up for your enjoyment and, of course, work on the curriculum.
Tonight, before we went to dinner, we finally got our internet back. We had a few minutes so we drove down the street to the mall and purchased 3GB of internet capacity at the kiosk. I It will be interesting to see how long it lasts, especially the way Kathy has latched onto my new iPad. We also purchased 50,000 shillings worth of electricity. I'm go to write down the meter numbers to see how long it will last us.
Thank you for your prayers today. Someone was praying for my driving 1:00 am last night (8:00 am here). I soloed (without my navigator) for the first time this morning driving over to the guest house where the Jackson team is staying. The traffic was horrible and I made a wrong turn. However, because of your prayers, I was able to stay calm, figure out what I had done wrong and got turned with very little difficulty. Oh, and by the way, I forgot my phone. You are a real blessing to us every time you pray for us. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Blessings on you all,
P.S. I'll try to do a better job with the last two entries tomorrow.