When we were in Bukasa a couple of Sundays ago, Geoffrey (It was his mom's church that I spoke in) mentioned that the church really needed 10 Lugandan Bibles and they would cost about $12 each. Well, afterwards we did some checking around and found a donor for the Bibles. Last weekend, while visiting in Geoffrey and Alice's home, I gave him the money for the Bibles. Then Tuesday he tells us he wants us to go with him on Thursday to purchase the Bibles. As it turns out, we purchased the Bibles at his church, which we discovered, rocks at lunch time Monday through Friday.
When we got there around 1:30, the music was over and the praying had begun. Wow! There were probably 700-800 people there for his Thursday lunch time service and they all had their hands raised praying...out loud. Of course, we had no idea what they were saying, but it sure seemed like a "sweet aroma" to me. After the service concluded, several people stayed back to be prayed for.
We will definitely check this place out on a Sunday. If they worship like that on Thursday, I can imagine Sunday would really be awesome.
Sorry, I didn't get a photo for you because I didn't take the camera. I mean, we were just going to pickup some Bibles.
Another day in Uganda...another blessing from God!!
Please be praying for this weekend. We will be driving to Wakiso (about an hour out of town) on Saturday to visit Isaac, the recipient of Trey's special wheel chair we brought with us from the US, and his grandparents. They tell us he smiles when they place him in the chair. This will be my first time to drive outside the city. Then on Sunday, we drive to Namayumba (another half hour beyond Wakiso), where I will preach in Pastor Patrick's mission church.
Blessings on all who pass this way,
When we got there around 1:30, the music was over and the praying had begun. Wow! There were probably 700-800 people there for his Thursday lunch time service and they all had their hands raised praying...out loud. Of course, we had no idea what they were saying, but it sure seemed like a "sweet aroma" to me. After the service concluded, several people stayed back to be prayed for.
We will definitely check this place out on a Sunday. If they worship like that on Thursday, I can imagine Sunday would really be awesome.
Sorry, I didn't get a photo for you because I didn't take the camera. I mean, we were just going to pickup some Bibles.
Another day in Uganda...another blessing from God!!
Please be praying for this weekend. We will be driving to Wakiso (about an hour out of town) on Saturday to visit Isaac, the recipient of Trey's special wheel chair we brought with us from the US, and his grandparents. They tell us he smiles when they place him in the chair. This will be my first time to drive outside the city. Then on Sunday, we drive to Namayumba (another half hour beyond Wakiso), where I will preach in Pastor Patrick's mission church.
Blessings on all who pass this way,