Geoffrey took us back to his home church today, Calvary Temple in Bukasa. Bukasa is two hours from Kampala with lots of traffic along the way. After we turned off the main road, I lost count of the number of different dirt roads we turned onto after eight.
It doesn't matter whether you are early, on-time, or late, you have to go by his mom's house for tea and a snack before going to church. Yesterday, we had bread and fresh fried eggs with our tea.
Worship was very lively and so was the preaching. Geoffrey preached today (We have always wanted to hear him preach.) and he is very animated. He preached on faith and made the comparison of faith to air time on our cell phone. If you run out of air time, there is no communication. At the end of the service, he asked for all those who needed healing and had faith that God could heal them to come forward. Several people came forward and Geoffrey began to pray for them one at a time. I'm sorry (but really not) that I don't have a photo of this part, but Geoffrey asked me and Kathy to come up help him by laying hands on some of them and praying for their healing. The power of the Holy Spirit was there and was felt by everyone present. What an awesome experience!!!
About the time church was letting out, a really big storm came up and we were all stranded at the church for a while. Kathy did her thing by keeping the kids occupied singing Sunday School songs. However, the fun ended when she tripped over a bench and got her "boo boo." Get the full picture in Stories.
After church (after 2:00) we had lunch at his mom's house, which is always a feast. Kathy prepared some Mazungu (white folks) food to add to the mix and it was really great.
After lunch, we were able to deliver five donated water filters thanks to our friends and family back home. You can check these out in the Stories section of this webpage.
We didn't get home until after 8:30, but it was a great day, "boo boo" and all.
Blessings on all who pass this way,
It doesn't matter whether you are early, on-time, or late, you have to go by his mom's house for tea and a snack before going to church. Yesterday, we had bread and fresh fried eggs with our tea.
Worship was very lively and so was the preaching. Geoffrey preached today (We have always wanted to hear him preach.) and he is very animated. He preached on faith and made the comparison of faith to air time on our cell phone. If you run out of air time, there is no communication. At the end of the service, he asked for all those who needed healing and had faith that God could heal them to come forward. Several people came forward and Geoffrey began to pray for them one at a time. I'm sorry (but really not) that I don't have a photo of this part, but Geoffrey asked me and Kathy to come up help him by laying hands on some of them and praying for their healing. The power of the Holy Spirit was there and was felt by everyone present. What an awesome experience!!!
About the time church was letting out, a really big storm came up and we were all stranded at the church for a while. Kathy did her thing by keeping the kids occupied singing Sunday School songs. However, the fun ended when she tripped over a bench and got her "boo boo." Get the full picture in Stories.
After church (after 2:00) we had lunch at his mom's house, which is always a feast. Kathy prepared some Mazungu (white folks) food to add to the mix and it was really great.
After lunch, we were able to deliver five donated water filters thanks to our friends and family back home. You can check these out in the Stories section of this webpage.
We didn't get home until after 8:30, but it was a great day, "boo boo" and all.
Blessings on all who pass this way,
Excited About WorshipGeoffrey's Mom Still Has It | Special by the ChoirI Love Watching This Little Guy |